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How can I delete or restart a course?

Dashboard > click your language > Course Management

Sheena Chen avatar
Written by Sheena Chen
Updated over 8 months ago

This guide will talk about managing your Glossika courses:

Every single Glossika course you start will be displayed on your Overview/Course page. If you decide that you don't want them there, you have two options:

  1. Deleting a course — All of your learning records for this course will be removed from our database. This process is irreversible.

  2. Hiding a course — The visual indicator that you are learning a course will be removed from your Overview/Course page, but all of your progress will be kept. You can recover your progress at any time by re-opening the course.

Via the Glossika website

How to delete/restart a course

Remember, this action is irreversible.

If you're deleting a course, it means (a) you're never going to study it again, (b) you've been gone awhile and want a fresh start, or (c) you no longer want your data on Glossika.

1. Navigate to your "Course Management" page

2. To the right of each course you'll see a "triple-dot" icon — click it and a "Delete" button will appear

3. Confirm that you wish to delete the course by clicking "Delete"

4. The course will be removed from your course list, and all of your progress/recordings/rep history will be deleted from Glossika

How to restart a course that you've deleted

Deleting a course means that Glossika will delete all of your learning data. This provides you with an opportunity to restart a course from zero as if you had never studied it before.

To restart a course, first follow the steps above to delete it. Then:

1. Navigate to your "Course Management" page

2. Click the "plus" icon to add another course

3. Search or scroll to find the language you want to study

4. Select your native language (this is the language that Glossika will translate your target language into)

5. Select "I'm a complete beginner" to start from zero, or select "test my level" if you'd like to take Glossika's placement test to start from a higher level

6. Click "Get Started"

7. The course will now be visible on your Overview page — you're ready to start training!

Via Glossika's iOS or Android app

How to delete/restart a course

Remember, this action is irreversible.

If you're deleting a course, it means (a) you're never going to study it again, (b) you've been gone awhile and want a fresh start, or (c) you no longer want your data on Glossika.

1. Open the ''Course'' menu (bottom-left corner) and then open your course list (top-left corner)

2. Select the course you wish to delete — you'll see a "triple-dot" icon to the right of the course name

3. Click the "triple-dot" icon and select "delete"

4. Confirm that you wish to delete the course by clicking "delete" on the popup confirmation

5. The course will be removed from your course list, and all of your progress/recordings/rep history will be deleted

How to restart a course that you've deleted

Deleting a course means that Glossika will delete all of your learning data. This provides you with an opportunity to restart a course from zero as if you had never studied it before.

To restart a course, first follow the steps above to delete it. Then:

1. Open the ''Course'' menu (bottom-left corner) and then open your course list (top-left corner)

2. Click on the ''+'' icon to add a new course

3. Select "Target Language" and then choose the language that you would like to learn

4. Select "I'm a complete beginner" to start from zero, or select "test my level" if you'd like to take Glossika's placement test to start from a higher level

5. Click "Get Started" — you're ready to train!

How to hide a course (We'll be removing this functionality soon)

Unlike deleting a course from your list, the "hide" option simply makes it invisible. If you hide a course, that course's icon will no longer be visible on your course list. All of your progress will be kept, and you can resume your training at any time by adding the course back to your list.

To hide a course:

1. Open the ''Course'' menu (bottom-left corner) and then open your course list (top-left corner)

2. Select the course you wish to hide — you should see "triple-dot" icon to the right of the course's name

3. Click the "triple-dot" icon and select "hide"

4. Confirm that you wish to hide the course by clicking "hide" on the popup confirmation

5. The course will now be hidden from your course list

How to reactivate a hidden course

To unhide a course, simply add it back as if you were starting a new language.

1. Open the ''Course'' menu (bottom-left corner) and then open your course list (top-left corner)

2. Click the "Hidden Course List" button located at the bottom of your screen

3. Click on the "triple-dot" icon located to the right of the name of the course you would like to unhide

4. Select "Unhide"

5. This course will now be available in your normal course list.

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