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How can I change my password?

Profile/account page --> reset password --> follow email instructions

Tess Yang avatar
Written by Tess Yang
Updated over 8 months ago

This guide will cover:

To change your password on Glossika's website:

2. Click the “Profile” button — it's located in the dropdown list beneath your name

3. Update your password by filling in the ''Reset Password'' fields and then clicking the ''update'' button

4. You're all set now!

How to change your password on your Apple device?

1. Log into Glossika's iOS app

2. Click the “Account” button

3. Click the email associated with your Glossika account (should be the topmost meny option)

4. Click on ''Reset Password''

5. Fill in the ''Reset Password'' section

6. Click the ''update'' button

7. You're all set now!

How to change your password on your Android device?

1. Log into Glossika's Android app

2. Click the “Account” button

3. Click the email associated with your Glossika account (should be the topmost menu option)

4. Click on ''Reset Password''

5. Fill in the ''Reset Password'' section

6. Click the ''update'' button

7. You're all set now!

Note: If you get stuck, or if you're unable to log in with your new password, please reach out to us via email at [email protected]. We're happy to help!

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